Kuantitas (Sét) | 1 – 1 | >1 |
Est.Waktos (dinten) | 5 | Pikeun dirundingkeun |
75 "kantor Toel Layar Monitor Multi Toel Infrabeureum Interaktif Whiteboard Smart Board
75 "kantor Toel Layar Monitor Multi Toel Infrabeureum Interaktif Whiteboard Smart Board
Sistim Windows
Prosesor | Intel Core i3-3217U @ 1.80GHz |
GPU: | Intel HD4000 Grafika |
Chipset | Intel Chipset HM65 |
Mémori | DDR3 4GB, Rojongan nepi ka 8GB |
Ethernet | Realtek GBE RJ45,8111E |
Audio | Realtek HD Audio, Rojongan Line-in, Line-out, Mic-in, Spdif, Speaker |
tampilan | VGA1, LVDS. |
Panyimpenan | 128G SSD |
Sasayogian tanaga | DC 12V Power Supply, atawa ATX Power Supply |
CPU_Kipas | Ipis Cool Fan |
Ukuran | Mini-ITX |
Palabuhan: | 4*USB2.0, 1*VGA, 1*HDMI, 1*RJ-45, 1*DC, 1*MIC-IN, 1* LINE-OUT |
Diwangun-di I/O | LVDS 1x24bit, 4xUSB, 5xCom, 2xFan_Slot, slot Kartu SIM, Spdif, lulugu VGA (standar 12P) |
Ékspansi | 2xMini-PCIE, Rojongan Wifi, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS |
Suhu Operasi | -10℃ to 60℃ |
Suhu Panyimpenan | -40℃ to 80℃ |
Kalembaban Operasi | 0-95% |
Anjing pangawas | Pilihan |
Pangimeutan H/W | Monitor kaayaan tegangan, suhu jeung speed rotational kipas |
layar toél IR
Pigura multi-rampa | Téknologi touch | Infrabeureum téhnologi multi touch |
Modél touch | 6titik touch | |
Obyék induksi | Ramo, pulpén, naon waé objék opak | |
Ukuran induksi | Diaméterna langkung ageung atanapi sami sareng 5 mm | |
Resolusi | 8192*8192 | |
waktos respon | Poin kahiji 25ms poin berturut-turut 8ms | |
Laju kursor | ≥200titik/detik | |
Ketebalan Kaca | 4mm Normal atanapi Anti sorotan kaca tempered | |
tegangan operasi | DC 4.6V ~ DC 5V ku USB | |
Konsumsi ayeuna | <1W, ayeuna ≤ 100mA | |
Toél Angkatan Aktipkeun | Taya tekanan diperlukeun | |
hirup jasa | > 6 juta kali single spot touch | |
Laju mindahkeun | 12m/s | |
Positioning akurasi | ≤0.1mm | |
Tahan droop | Sumuhun, nyegah alatan degradasi kinerja gawé lila |
1.Tempat Umum:Subway, Bandara, Toko Buku, Aula Pameran, Gimnasium, Museum,Puseur konferensi
2. Tempat Hiburan: Bioskop, Puseur kabugaran, Kampung liburan, bar KTV,bar internét, salon kageulisan.